
Foot Step Electric Power Generation
Mohd. Faizan1, Himanshu Singh2, Harsh Pandey3

1Mohd. Faizan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Buddha Institute of Technology, GIDA, Gorakhpur (U.P), India.
2Himanshu Singh, Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Buddha Institute of Technology, GIDA, Gorakhpur (U.P), India.
3Harsh Pandey, Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Buddha Institute of Technology, GIDA, Gorakhpur (U.P), India.

Manuscript received on 24 September 2022 | Revised Manuscript received on 06 February 2023 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 February 2023 | Manuscript published on 28 February 2023 | PP: 1-6 | Volume-11, Issue-2, February 2023 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijisme.A38401012122 | DOI: 10.35940/ijisme.A3840.0211223
Open Access | Editorial and Publishing Policies | Cite | Mendeley
© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: The reduction in energy demand by portable electronics has rekindled interest in the use of renewable energy sources in the built environment. This technological study focuses on a sophisticated piezoelectric material energy harvesting method. Piezoelectric materials can be used to convert mechanical energy, such as environmental vibrations, into electrical energy, which can then be stored and used to power other devices. When mechanical stress is applied to a piezoelectric material, it creates an electrical charge. However, when an electric field is introduced, mechanical deformation occurs. The electrical density generated on the piezo can be stored in a rechargeable battery for later use. Piezoelectric materials offer a wide range of applications in real life. Following are some of the latest applications. Following are some of the latest applications. Alternative forms of energy are currently needed in travel terminals such as airports and railways around the world. Keeping prices low, maintaining friendly and productive relations with neighbors and ensuring a healthy environment for future generations requires cleaner and more sustainable electricity. Piezoelectric devices installed in the terminals make it possible to recover the kinetic energy of pedestrian traffic. That energy can then be used to balance some of the electricity needed to power the lighting systems. Low power electrical appliances have become more common in recent years. Technologies are widely used to make our daily lives easier. The idea of looking for an alternative renewable energy for the human environment has piqued our curiosity, as the energy consumption of these portable electronic devices has increased. I am trying to create a piezoelectric generator in this project. It can generate energy from the vibration and pressure found in the second sentence (like people walking). This study describes the use of piezoelectric materials to capture the energy of walking people, creating and harvesting vibrational energy. This approach can also be applied to massive vibration sources found in nature. This project is also the first step towards a piezoelectric energy harvesting model that is both cost-effective and easy to install. 
Keywords: Piezoelectric Material, battery, External Pressure, led, Microcontroller.
Scope of the Article: Low-power design