
Rediscovering Traditional Mughal Fenestrations (16th to 17th Century) in India for Sustainable Architecture
Hemal Lotankar1, Srinivas Daketi2
1Hemal Lotankar, M. Arch, Sustainable Architecture in School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, (Andhra Pradesh). India.
2Srinivas Daketi, Assistant Professor, Architecture in School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, (Andhra Pradesh). India.

Manuscript received on December 17, 2015. | Revised Manuscript received on December 31, 2015. | Manuscript published on January 15, 2016. | PP: 6-12 | Volume-4 Issue-2, January 2016. | Retrieval Number: B0956014216/2016©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Fenestration is an interface between the exterior and interior. The complexities of functions of fenestrations have increased over the period of time. Traditional culture, art and knowledge find no place in this globalized world. As we embrace new materials and techniques, achieving thermal and visual comfort has become challenging. There is a missing link between the traditional and contemporary architecture of which fenestrations stand as evidence. Energy consumption for air conditioning and lighting can be reduced significantly through appropriate design of fenestrations. There is a need to understand the proper day lighting and natural ventilation and its impact on saving energy in buildings. Therefore, it is necessary to scientifically understand the techniques evolved in the past. The study focuses on understanding and analyzing traditional building fenestrations, which will help in determining the feasibility for its application in contemporary projects. The research highlights fenestrations of 16th-17th century Mughal buildings through literature review and case studies. It explores examples of fenestration designs responsive to the culture of the place and climate thereby achieving thermal comfort. The study provides guidelines to incorporate traditional fenestration designs with a modern approach to overcome the environmental disturbances and retain the cultural identity of the place.
Keywords: Fenestrations, Mughal Architecture, Climate, Culture.